Are you sure that you're investing as efficiently as you could be? Do you know what your goals are, and how your investments link to them? Have you got the time to do the research and paperwork for a complex portfolio?
If your answer is 'no' to any of those questions then Medics Wrap, our integrated wealth management system could be the answer. Medics Wrap is an online tool that can bring all your investments together, in one place. This lets you and your adviser check on your pensions, shares, bonds, cash, investment trusts, unit trusts and savings accounts whenever you like, 24 hours a day.
A Wrap system allows us to do the following things on your behalf:
Wrap also lets you bring together all your tax-efficient products, including ISAs and SIPPs. So even completing your tax return can be easier. Contact us or read on for more information.
Simplfy Things
How does your financial world look now? Lots of different companies, various investments, old employer pensions, current pensions, ISAs, bonds, shares and savings accounts. With you in the middle, not quite sure how to manage them all. Investing is interesting. Paperwork isn't. Especially when it uses up time and money that you could spend planning for your future.
Your financial world could look very different. Medics Wrap can transform the way you manage your money. Having all your various investments held together in one place might sound simple. And it is. That's the beauty of it.
Medics Wrap works securely through the web, to let you see your financial assets in one place. It means that when you meet your adviser, you can both see the complete picture of your portfolio, before you make any decisions. It's a logical way to keep track of your investments. It's convenient and time-saving too.
How could I benefit?
Here are a few of the key advantages that Medics Wrap can provide:
Tax-efficient options such as Pension, Individual Savings Account and International Portfolio Bond can be used in conjuction with directly-held investments a efficiently utilise your tax allowances.
Through Wrap, we can get often get you excellent discounts on fund charges compare to buying with the fund managers direct.
As your life changes, Wrap keeps up. It's simple for your adviser to make any changes, so you always get the most from your investments
One of the most important features of Wrap is that it allows your adviser to plan for multiple goals simply and effectively.
Good advice is worth paying for. Wrap makes it easier for you to understand how you pay your adviser for the advice you're given. This helps your adviser to make sure their advice is impartial. It also provides transparency – so you know exactly how much your adviser's service costs.
Find out more.
Speak to your us today about how Wrap could help you manage your future more simply.